Lucky Draw Supports Canton’s All Abilities Playground Renovation/Expansion
Drawing on July 5th at Canton’s July 4th Plus One event
Do not need to be present to win.
Our goal is to provide an inclusive, accessible and safe playground environment
where non-typically and typically developing children can experience play together
or individually by February 2023. This will be accomplished through a community
collaborative comprised of a variety of civic clubs, businesses and individuals and led
by Canton town leadership. A newly renovated and expanded inclusive playground will
benefit all the children of Haywood County, especially the greater Canton area, as it
will be designed to include those with developmental and physical challenges. This
convenient playground will enable all-inclusive family time at no cost to those families
or care givers which benefits their children.
An All Abilities Playground will replace, expand, and improve the small playground
that was severely damaged during the August 2021 flood. Kiwanis enthusiastically
accepted an invitation by Canton town leaders to partner with them to make this
playground a reality. This project will positively impact the social, emotional and
physical development of children aged one to early teens. Almost half of the $250,000
funding goal is projected to be realized by mid-July, 2022.
Inclusive playgrounds provide activities to engage children on many levels, in terms
of physical, cognitive, sensory and social development. Physical play structures invite
children of differing abilities to take risks and challenge themselves, creating a sense
of mastery and achievement. Research has also warned us about the decreasing
amount of time children spend playing outside to their detriment. We want all children
to have access to safe and fun outdoor play environments where they can explore,
learn and grow. It’s good for our children and it’s good for our future.
For information or to request tickets call 828-734-9003 or email