In this section of our website you will find Request for Qualifications (RFQs), Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Bids Documents for projects the Town of Canton is currently considering and requesting information submittal for.
It is your responsibility if you download RFQs, RFPs, or Bids to email Lisa Stinnett with contact information to assure you receive any possible addendum.
If you have any questions about this section of our website or any of the projects/documents contained within, please feel free to contact Canton Town Hall at 828-648-2363.
Thank you in advance for your interest in assisting the Town of Canton and we look forward to working with you.
……..~ Oak Street GIS
……..~ Highland Street GIS
……..~ Short Street GIS
~ Addendum 1
……..~ Addendum 2
……..~ Addendum 3
……..~ Addendum 4